Dr. Amy Parent’s Nisga’a name is Noxs Ts’aawit (Mother of the Raven Warrior Chief named Ts’awit). On her mother’s side of the family, she is from the House of Ni’isjoohl and is a member of the Ganada (frog) clan in the Village of Laxgalts’ap in the Nisga’a Nation. On her father’s side of the family, she is of Settler ancestry (French and German). Dr. Parent is a scholar, speaker, mentor, educator, consultant and mother. She is an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Education & Governance (Tier 2) in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University (Ph.D., UBC). She is also Co-Chair of the Indigenous Research Leadership Circle with the Tri-Council Agency (Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) and the Inaugural Associate Director for the SFU Cassidy Centre for Educational Justice.

Indigenous knowledge systems and methodologies
Nisga’a rematriation, language revitalization and educational governance
BC First Nations research jurisdiction, governance, and matriarchal leadership for self-determination
Indigenous doctoral programming, supervision and mentorship
Decolonizing and Indigenizing teacher education
Land based education
Indigenous visual sovereignty and critical Indigenous theory
Indigenous graphic novels, visual representations and storytelling in the curriculum