House of Ni’isjoohl Crest by
Sim’oogit Ts’awit, Calvin McNeil Sr.
of Land & Water: Unsettling Place at Simon Fraser University
In 2018, I began producinga film series titled, “Critical Understandings of Land & Water: Unsettling Place at SFU” which aims to examine the praxis of land-based education. The film series is guided by Q’um Q’um Xiiem, Dr. Jo-ann Archibald’s Indigenous Storywork methodology (2008) to bring forward an important collection of stories on land based education in collaboration with respected Coast Salish Knowledge Holders and Simon Fraser University faculty. In 2023, I filmed three oral editorial films to provide a summary of the 12 films in series while detailing the methodological choices that informed its development for viewers. The oral editorials and film series will form the basis of a research-informed online course on land based education in British Columbia that is currently in development. I raise my hands high in appreciation to the generous teachings shared by the respected Coast Salish Knowledge Holders, leaders, and faculty in the series and Simon Fraser University’s Indigenous Education Reconciliation Council, Equity Studies in Education Program, and Centre for Educational Excellence.
Please view the montage for the series below. I am honoured to begin collaborating with settler scholar, Dr. Jeannie Kerr who joins me as a co-investigator for a research project that aims to study the educational effects of the series. The series contains three short oral editorial films by Dr. Amy Parent, Noxs Ts’aawit and nine films with respected Coast Salish Elders and Knowledge Holders featuring oral stories on the ways local Nations have used the land and waterways that the three Simon Fraser University (SFU) campuses now occupy. There are also four films by SFU faculty members’ efforts at enacting decolonizing and land based pedagogical practices. We are seeking the participation of members of the greater SFU community who are interested in expanding their knowledge on decolonization and reconciliation to view the film series and participate in the research. We are also seeking Coast Salish community members to engage with the series. The research project involves participants completing an online pre- and post-survey and watching as many of the films that are chosen. If you are interested in participating in this project, please click on the link which will provide more information. The montage for the film series is available for all viewers to watch. Please note, in order to view all 16 films in the series, folks need to click on the survey below and agree to participate in the research study.

of Land & Water: Unsettling Place at Simon Fraser
of Land & Water: Unsettling Place at Simon Fraser University
*The montage for the film series is available for all viewers to watch. Please note, in order to view all 16 films in the series, folks need to click on the survey link above and agree to participate in the research study.